TYWLS Manhattan 6th Grade Important Information

Hello 6th Graders and Families!
We hope the end of your 5th grade year went well and are excited you are now officially 6th graders! Below is some important information to help you get ready for joining TYWLS this fall.
> Our school supply list for September is available here.
> Our summer assignment list is available here. There is a 6th grade reading assignment.
> Information on the uniform and how to purchase pieces is available here.
> We will be having a Back to School orientation on Wednesday September 4th from 12-3 for students to meet each other and see the school before the first day. Please save the date. Detailed information will be shared closer to the event.
>The first day of school is Thursday September 5th. Our doors open at 8:10am and school begins at 8:40.
We are so excited to officially have you join us here at TYWLS!
If you need anything over the summer please reach out to our parent coordinator Ms. Lopez at [email protected]. Starting July 1, you can also come visit us Monday through Thursday from 9-2:30 pm at Central Park East on 106th and Madison. Starting August 1, we will be back at TYWLS Monday to Thursday from 9 - 2:30. Starting August 26, we are open every day from 8 - 4. Also be sure to check out our website at tywls.org and our instagram @tywlsofficial.
Enjoy the summer!
The TYWLS 6th Grade Team
P.S. - We have a few seats still available in our 6th grade class, so if you know anyone who wants to join you at TYWLS please have them reach out to [email protected] to enroll.